
It is indicated that today, addressing the problem of strengthening and maintaining public health in the context of global and social bioethics is due to an urgent need, since the phenomenon of public health acts as their natural embodiment and manifestation.Modern scientific research and innovative technologies in the field of biomedicine require intensive ethical regulation in order to preserve human health and life. Humanistic provision of clinica medicine, innovative and applied scientific research in the field of biomedicine and the formation of professional competences of specialists is connected both with scientific, technical and technological achievements in the field of biomedicine, and with a steady trend of their humanization and socialization,which requires addressing the phenomena of global and social bioethics, development of a system of ethical regulations of biomedical practice. It has been established that biojurisprudence is a fundamental part of modern general theoreticaljurisprudence. Biojurisprudence as a branch of legal science should study the complex of legal, medical, ethical and psychological components of human somatic rights, that is, all legal issues that arise as a result of a person’s exercise of the right to dispose of his own body. It is biojurisprudence that deals with theoretical problems in the field of law regarding as a whole, in turn, is the object of many non-legal sciences). Biojurisprudence should be considered as a complex, interdisciplinary scientific and legal formation, formed at the junction of bioethics, biolaw and biomedicine. At the same time, we believe thatthe development of biojurisprudence as a modern direction of legal science will contribute to the improvement of the culture of rule-making activity, the development and adoption of new effective normative legal acts that would take into account thelegal, medical, ethical and psychological components of the realization of somatic human rights.

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