
Fruits with their delightful colours, flavours and tastes are nature's wonderful gift to mankind. Apart from being the most nutritious food in the form of easily digestible simple sugars, vitamins, minerals and many phyto-nutrients, they provide unique health benefits due to their antioxidant properties and valuable fibre. Fruit flies, fruit borers, stem borers bark eaters, mealy bugs, caterpillars, whiteflies and aphids are the insect pests of major importance in fruit crops of the arid region. Encouraging biodiversity and beneficial insects in the orchards helps in increasing the natural predators such as ladybird populations in the orchard which helps in keeping the population of mealy bugs under control. Serious damage is caused by the excretion of honeydew secreted by the by whitefly, which runs down to the fruit and the upper surface of leaves. The damage by whitefly also leads to yellowing of leaves and stunted growth, in severe cases leading to shedding of leaves.

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