
AbstractBioinformatics is an integrated field of computer science and biology. It has a wide range of applications, starting from a basic database search to complex high-throughput screening. The databases contain detailed information on DNA, RNA, proteins, metabolites, and network pathways. The bioinformatics tools are used for various purposes, like multiple sequence alignment, primer construction, protein molecular visualization, motif identification, and protein structure prediction. This chapter discusses various databases such as PDB, Prosite, Pfam, DEPOD, PIRSF, neXtProt, IntAct, Peptide Atlas, MEROPS, etc., and their uses in designing protein therapeutics. Along with tools and software, different strategies are used for protein therapeutics. This chapter presents the databases, tools, and strategies for protein therapy.KeywordsBioinformaticsDatabasesToolsTherapeutic proteinsDockingMolecular modelingDrug target

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