
In the town of Armizonskoye, Tyumen Region, Russia, industrial enterprises emit more than 230 tons of various pollutants into the air, and only about 50% of that total is retained. In this work the quality of atmospheric air in Armizonskoye was studied using the bioindication method. The objectives of the study were to identify the main pollutants in the air and to determine the most sensitive test functions of woody and herbaceous plants. The chemical method was used to determine the quantity and array of substances, emitted by some enterprises in different parts of the town. The bioindicators were common dandelion Taraxacum officinale Wigg, great plantain Plantago major L., warty birch Betula pendula Roth, and boxelder maple Aceraceae nequndo. The chemical analysis showed that the air is mainly polluted with iron oxide, manganese compounds, and suspended solids. The main sources of pollution are utility companies, Armizonagrostroy, and road maintenance companies. The most sensitive indicator among woody plants was boxelder maple, and among herbaceous plants, common dandelion. The bioindication method helped to map more and less polluted territories.


  • industrial enterprises emit more than 230 tons of various pollutants

  • The objectives of the study were to identify the main pollutants in the air

  • The chemical analysis showed that the air is mainly polluted with iron oxide

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Для установления коррелятивной связи были выбраны два вещества: оксид железа и соединения марганца и морфологические показатели – длина листовой пластинки и количество листьев (травянистые растения), длина и ширина листовой пластинки (древесные культуры). Результаты и их обсуждение Результаты химического анализа свидетельствуют о том, что преобладающими среди загрязняющих веществ, поступающих в атмосферный воздух и превышающих установленные ПДК в 1,5–6,0 раз, оказались оксиды железа и углерода, соединения марганца, взвешенные вещества и углеводороды Что на исследуемых территориях количество листьев подорожника большого отмечалось либо на уровне контроля (ХПП, ЖКХ), либо на 10– 12% меньше (Агрострой, ДРСУ).

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