
Ecosystems as the smallest unit in the structure of the biosphere form natural groups with similar nonliving or inert components (geome) and leaving, biotic (biome) as a result of the ecological convergence. Thus it is formed following after ecosystem level structure of the biosphere – biogeomes or complexes of similar in its structure and function ecosystems. It is proposed unit classification of 12 biogeomes of hydrosphere and land, combining with three types of ecosystems: biotic, oligobiotic and subbiotic types. The biotic type combine with ecosystems controlled by leaving components as well as woody vegetation or hermatypic corrals. The ecosystems of oligobiotic type have strong impact of abiotic factors but biotic ones are important too. It is grass ecosystems on the land, and shelf ecosystems of ocean. In subbiotic type of ecosystems strongly prevail in its habitus abiotic components. It is ecosystems of deserts, and ocean deep bottom or pelagic ocean ecosystems. The evolution of biosphere was lead as well as to new local ecosystems divergently and convergently to formation limit number of ecosystems types, biogeomes. There is reason to believe it possible to form a new scientific section – biogeomics because there is a particular object of it study – the biogeome.

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