
Fast service access involves keeping track of the location of mobile users, while they are moving around the mobile network for a satisfactory level of QoS (Quality of Service) in a cost-effective manner. The location databases are used to keep track of Mobile Terminals (MT) so that incoming calls can be directed to requested mobile terminals at all times. MT reporting cell system used in location management is to designate each cell in the network as a reporting cell or a non-reporting cell. Determination of an optimal number of reporting cells (or reporting cell configuration) for a given network is reporting cell planning (RCP) problem. This is a difficult combinatorial optimization problem which has an exponential complexity. We can see that a cell in a network is either a reporting cell or a non-reporting cell. Hence, for a given network with N cells, the number of possible solutions is  . We propose a biogeography based optimization (BBO) for design of mobile station location management system in wireless communication network. The number and locations of reporting cells should be determined to balance the registration for location update and paging operations for search the mobile stations to minimize the cost of system. Experimental results show that our proposed BBO is a fairly effective and competitive approach with respect to solution quality for optimally designing location management system because BBO is suitable for combinatorial optimization and multi-functional problems.

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