
The As-51 satellite DNA is a transposon-like sequence formerly described for arthropods and physically identifiable by fluorescent in situ hybridization. In the present work, we describe the occurrence of this sequence, as well the C-banding and karyotype composition, in populations of the group Astyanax fasciatus from Mogi-Guaçu (Araras-SP), Paranapanema (Angatuba and Pilar do Sul-SP), Ribeira de Iguape (Sete Barras-SP) and Tietê (Indaiatuba and Salesópolis-SP) river basins. The specimens from Sete Barras (10 M + 20SM + 12ST + 6A) and Araras (8 M + 22SM + 12ST + 6A) have 2n = 48 chromosomes. The samples from Angatuba, Pilar do Sul and Indaiatuba presented 2n = 46 chromosomes (12 M + 20SM + 10ST + 4A). The individuals collected in Salesópolis showed three cytotypes, bearing 2n = 46 (12 M + 20SM + 10ST + 4A), 2n = 48 (8 M + 22SM + 12ST + 6A) and 2n = 50 (8 M + 16SM + 14ST + 12A). C-banding revealed large heterochromatic blocks at terminal chromosomal regions in all populations and/or cytotypes. All analyzed populations have conspicuous blocks carrying the As-51 satellite DNA, although the number of chromosomes bearing this repetitive sequence was variable among them. Such differences were not related to the diploid number of individuals, but rather to a biogeographic pattern. Aspects of the karyotype evolution and distribution of this sequence in distinct populations are discussed.

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