
Cryptoendolithic (hidden in rock) lichen-dominated microbial communities from the Ross Desert of Antarctica were shown to produce oxalate (oxalic acid). Oxalate increased mineral dissolution, which provides nutrients, creates characteristic weathering patterns, and may ultimately influence the biological residence time of the community. Oxalate was the only organic acid detectable by HPLC, and its presence was verified by GC/MS. Community photosynthetic metabolism was involved in oxalate production since rates of (14)C-oxalate production from (14)C02 were higher in light than in dark incubations. Flaking of the sandstone at the level of the lichen-dominated zone a few millimeters beneath the rock surface can be explained by dissolution of the sandstone cement, which was enhanced by Si, Fe, and Al oxalate complex formation. Added oxalate was observed to increase the solubility of Si, Fe, Al, P, and K. Oxalate's ability to form soluble trivalent metal-oxalate complexes correlated with the observed order of metal oxide depletion from the lichen-dominated zone (Mn > Fe > Al). Thermodynamic calculations predict that Fe oxalate complex formation mobilizes amorphous Fe oxides (ferrihydrite) in the lichen-dominated zone, and where oxalate is depleted, ferrihydrite should precipitate. Hematite, a more crystalline Fe oxide, should remain solid at in situ oxalate concentrations. Oxalate was not a carbon source for the indigenous heterotrophs, but the microbiota were involved in oxalate mineralization to CO2, since oxalate mineralization was reduced in poisoned incubations. Photooxidation of oxalate to C02 coupled with photoreduction of Fe(Ill) may be responsible for oxalate removal in situ, since rates of (14)C-oxalate mineralization in dark incubations were at least 50% lower than those in the light. Removal of oxalate from Si, Fe, and Al complexes should allow free dissolved Si, Fe, and Al to precipitate as amorphous silicates and metal oxides. This may explain increased siliceous crust (rock varnish or desert varnish) formation near the surface of colonized rocks were light intensity is greatest.

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