
Major biogeochemical processes in the newly created, shallow Lake Agmon (Hula Valley, northern Israel) were investigated from 1994 to 1996. Sediment cores, lake water and porewater were analyzed for chemical composition and spatial distribution. Sediment analyses revealed that Lake Agmon has two different sediment types: peat sediments in the northern and central parts, and marls in the southern part. The basic composition of the lake's water was controlled mainly by the mixing of two distinct water types (Jordan River and water drainage), and by evaporation. About 3/4 of the lake water originated from the Jordan Inlet, a quarter through the Z Canal Inlet (peat drainage) and a minor amount from groundwater seepage. Lake Agmon is unique among freshwater wetlands owing to its high SO 4 2− content, which is ca. 1/3 that of sea water. This characteristic is ascribed to the dissolution of secondary gypsum, formed in the peat soils since the drainage of the historic Hula Marsh. Leaching gypsum from the shallow sediments during the first few months after flooding was followed by a later stage of constant diffusion and advection of SO 4 2− from gypsum dissolution in deeper sediments. Gypsum dissolution in lake sediments contributed ca. half of the SO4 2− and Ca2+ inputs to the lake. The concomitant increase of Ca2+ combined with alkalinity release due to organic matter decomposition in the sediments led to the precipitation of CaCO3. This precipitation was enhanced by photosynthesis, particularly during summers, and consumed about a tenth of the Ca2+ and third of the alkalinity outputs from the lake. Iron-hydroxide was the main agent for microbial oxidation of organic matter, surpassing by far the role of sulfate, nitrate and manganese as electron acceptors. The produced Fe2+ was transported upward by diffusion and advection and oxidized to ferric iron at the sediment-water interface. There is evidence, however, that some sulfate was reduced, but most of the produced sulfide reacted with ferrous iron and accumulated in the sediments as FeS minerals. Therefore, despite high sulfate concentrations, the high iron availability restricted release of toxic sulfides into the water and thereby served to maintain reasonable water quality.

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