
In recent years, increasing concerns have been raised about the environmental risk of microplastics in freshwater ecosystems. Small microplastics enter the water either directly or accumulate through disintegration of larger plastic particles. These particles might then be ingested by filter-feeding zooplankton, such as rotifers. Particles released into the water may also interact with the biota through the formation of aggregates, which might alter the uptake by zooplankton. In this study, we tested for size-specific aggregation of polystyrene microspheres and their ingestion by a common freshwater rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus. The ingestion of three sizes of polystyrene microspheres (MS) 1-, 3-, and 6-μm was investigated. Each MS size was tested in combination with three different treatments: MS as the sole food intake, MS in association with food algae and MS aggregated with biogenic matter. After 72 h incubation in pre-filtered natural river water, the majority of the 1-μm spheres occurred as aggregates. The larger the particles, the higher the relative number of single particles and the larger the aggregates. All particles were ingested by the rotifer following a Type-II functional response. The presence of algae did not influence the ingestion of the MS for all three sizes. The biogenic aggregation of microspheres led to a significant size-dependent alteration in their ingestion. Rotifers ingested more microspheres (MS) when exposed to aggregated 1- and 3-μm MS as compared to single spheres, whereas fewer aggregated 6-μm spheres were ingested. This indicates that the small particles when aggregated were in an effective size range for Brachionus, while the aggregated larger spheres became too large to be efficiently ingested. These observations provide the first evidence of a size- and aggregation-dependent feeding interaction between microplastics and rotifers. Microplastics when aggregated with biogenic particles in a natural environment can rapidly change their size-dependent availability. The aggregation properties of microplastics should be taken into account when performing experiments mimicking the natural environment.


  • Plastics have become a universal material due to their numerous properties

  • Staining with DAPI revealed the presence of bacteria in the size range of 0.5–2.0 μm (Figures 2A,B) and the alcian blue revealed that transparent exopolymer particles were involved in the formation of the aggregate (Figures 2C–E)

  • Our study has shown that the ingestion of the three sizes as the sole food, in association with algae or aggregated with biogenic particles followed the Holling’s type II model and the ingestion can be influenced by the aggregation of MS

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The mass production of plastics started in the 1950s at just one million tons per year. Over 8 million tons of mostly single-use plastics enter the ocean each year (Jambeck et al, 2015), despite increasing recycling efforts and public awareness around the world. Plastics are entering all ecosystems in all sizes, and large pieces disintegrate into smaller particles due to physical or chemical degradation. The resulting small particles below 5 mm are called secondary microplastics (Hartmann et al, 2019). In addition to these secondary microplastics, primary microplastics in the form of beads and pellets are manufactured to be used in personal care products and in industrial cleaning. The estimated number of microplastics smaller than 100 μm is still underestimated in the marine environment (Lindeque et al, 2020)

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