
This research aims to assess the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions due to the use of biogas technology in Quang Tri Province. With a total of over 354,000 cattle in Quang Tri Province, Vietnam, waste from livestock becomes large. The GHG emitted from the livestock industry is not small, affecting the environment. Currently, there is little concern or documentation about the reduction of GHG emissions in small farms using biogas digesters in central Vietnam. This province has applied technological solutions, typically biogas digesters, but the amount of biogas production is not calculated accurately. Our survey was conducted in Vinh Linh District and Cam Lo District in March 2019 and involved 50 farms equipped with biogas digesters and 20 farms without it. The respondents were selected based on the information provided by local authorities, satisfying two conditions: livestock households and biogas users. The former group was asked 25 questions and the latter was asked 10 questions needed to calculate GHG emissions such as the number of animals and petroleum gas/ firewood consumption. This study uses formulas described in the 2006 guideline issued by IPCC to estimate reduced GHG emissions. The results showed that the average biogas production is 5.52 m³.household-1.day-1. Only 2% of the farms made the best use of the biogas digester. The surveyed households have not really used the most optimal amount of biogas production. In this scenario, this study recommends some solutions for solving the problem. In addition, the average annual emissions before having a biogas digester are estimated to be 20.53 tons CO2e/household/year. After using the biogas, the GHG emissions are reduced to 4.52 tCO2e.household-1.day-1. Thus, the replacement of daily cooking energies with biogas helps reduce 16.01 tCO2e of greenhouse gas for each farm per year.


  • With the current growth of the livestock industry in Vietnam, based on calculations based on animal physiological science and statistics, it can be seen that the solid waste emissions of livestock raising rate increases according to the scale growth, with the average emission estimated at 1.5 kg of pig manure. head-1.day-1, 15 kg of buffalo, cow manure.head-1.day-1, and 0.2 kg of poultry manure.head-1.day-1 (Quang Tri Department of Agriculture and Rural Development 2016)

  • This study provides an overview of the importance of biogas production using livestock waste in central Vietnam

  • Despite the good potential for biogas production in central Vietnam, it has not been much developed in the country

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Most farmers do not have proper waste treatment measures, environmental pollution in livestock has not been completely overcome and tends to increase. In this circumstance, low-cost biogas digesters are a good selection for reducing environmental impacts and improving the standard of living of rural families. Biogas refers to the collection of gases from the decomposition and fermentation of animal, human, and plant waste resulting from the lack of oxygen and the activities of anaerobic bacteria in anaerobic digestion This is an effective way of minimizing the negative impacts of animal waste on the environment and human health. According to Teune (2007), there

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