
Defence sector desires to attain energy self-sufficiency and security. In recent years, emergence of biofuel as an alternative source has raised the hopes of Defence. Ethanol and bio-diesel are currently being used as blends in different parts of the world. While, bio-diesel is mostly being blended in 2-20% in different parts of the world, ethanol blending has reached upto 85%. Owing to the sustainability reasons, the choice of feedstock for ethanol production is gradually changing from corn to lignocelluloses biomass. Jatropha curcas, is still the choice feedstockfor bio-diesel in most third world countries. This institute has put in rigrous efforts to identify high yielding varieties of Jatropha, improving its yield, standardizing trans-esterification to obtain high quality bio-diesel and its trials and testing in various vehicles and equipment. Second generation biofuels using biomass such as farm and forest wastes as feedstocks are promising in terms of their overall sustainability and volume produced. They can be used as drop in fuels. However, time is required to utilize their potential fully. Algae, the third generation biofuel feedstock still needs extensive R&D to make it economically sustainable. Whatever, the technology used, defence forces will accept any biofuel, which should be available constantly and priced below the existing petroleum fuels. The scope of producing by-products and finding a lucarative market for these products can ensure that prices ofbiofuels remain lower than the petroleum fuels

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