
The paper presents an overview of the sustainability principles applied to biofuels analysis. Sustainable biofuel production is economically competitive, conserves the natural resource base, and ensures social well-being. There is a strong trend to look for fossil fuel substitutes; nowadays the leading option seems to be the biofuels. In terms of environmental sustainability, the most promising effects are related with emissions of particulate matter and GHG. The economic dimension of sustainability is positive to the agriculture sector, but at the same time biofuel production will mean raising prices of the food market. Moreover, biofuels do not constitute a path to avoid increasing in local fuel prices by international fluctuation of fossil fuel prices. Social sustainability is not clearly positive or negative as well. Depending on operational conditions such, agrochemical use, land rotation, source of energy to feed the process, and security measures for leakages, the sustainability can vary strongly existing possibilities to improve the whole system.

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