
Half of the World’s people are being affected by micronutrient-deficiencies. Mostly in developing countries, the human development, along with economic development are hindered by malnutrition. The World Health Organization (WHO) have made fighting micronutrient malnutrition, profoundly known as “Hidden Hunger”, the most important priority. The micronutrient deficiency like zinc, iron and vitamin A are the most demolishing among the World’s poor. The organization have focused on food fortification and supplementation to deal with micronutrient. Biofortification is a novel approach in this regard to provide nutrient enrich food staples. WHO emphasize on biofortification through the Harvest Plus-challenge-program to improve micronutrient of the food staple through biotechnological and breeding approaches. Biofortification is cost-effective approach for delivering of micronutrient enrich food crops to poor people, where people cannot afford to use supplementation. Biofortified crops can be a good source of nutrition to the poor people of developing countries. Here, in this review we discussed the biofortification, its discovery leading to development, benefits and prospects towards the development of biofortified food-crops.

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