
Gender dysphoria is a complex phenomenological entity in various aspects. One if them is interdisciplinary treatment approach which carries numerous bioethical questions: timing and the extend of offered therapeutic options, right of mental health professionals to offer and conduct partial treatment etc. Term 'partial' is however contraversal and in colision with elementary bioethical principles regarding patient's fundamental right to obtain complete treatment allways. Bioethical challenges proceedes in postoperative clinical experiences related to reconversions and bioethical reasonablenes as sometimes it's caused by poor differential diagnosis and unrecognised motives? De-transition case reports and long term follow-up's could contribute to clarification of clinical indicators pointing out the non/validity of reversal transition. Accepted professional ethics of mental health professionals prescribe obligation to treat gender incogruent/dysphoric children and adoelscents. Bioethical accuracy of gender dysphoric prepubertal children treatment includes necessity of clear definitions and complete diagnostic procedure reliability. Important questions are child maturity, capacity and capability to adapt to extreme transitional hormonal body changes. Prepubertal period impose question of adequate patient's informing consent fully satisissfying legal criteria of informing and competency. Expert's opinion differs from critisized considering inappropriateness of parents imposing personal standards to their children to affirmative considering parents as most appropriate reference group to give social value judgement after consultation with doctors. Health professions included in the treatment of gender dysphoric patients have equal ethical obligation to guarantee happy and productive life to children by medical or any other intreventions. Discussion on fertility preservation in some fields of clinical medicine is routine, but contraversal in gender dysphoria on expert and general public level. Such discrimination deeply undermines patient's basic bioethical rights as informing and counseling of transgender persons on contemporary opportunities of reproductive techologies is an imperative. Posttransitional parenthood has specificity in reversal parents identities and roles which makes this question much more contraversal.

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