
Human geneticization, discussed in the following text, is usually associated with the bio-medical practices aimed at human improvement, with the use of genetic enhancement, also understood as genetic improvement or genetic correction. Despite the wide range of benefits claimed by scientists (including biotechnologists and geneticists), these practices undoubtedly generate a number of ethical and legal problems. They concern, among other things, the legitimacy of conducting research in the field of biotechnology or genetics, including reprogenetics, its possible direction, projections related to the development of the research, as well as the methods and means used to control the aforementioned research, or even the problem of both the legislative and moral validity of its further practical implementation. This can be seen, for example, in the ongoing discussion on the geneticization of human life, and in the broader context of its progressive biomedicalization. In view of the considerable breadth and complexity of the issue of geneticization, this text focuses primarily on a closer examination of the possibilities that genetic enhancements, supported by the potential which genetic engineering might bring, followed by due consideration of selected bio-ethical dilemmas that may arise from the application of such enhancements.

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