
Bioerosive structures relating to rocky shores active during the Pliocene and associated pebbles in three basins at Baix Ebre Baix Llobregat and Alt Emporda areas (Catalonia, Spain) are reviewed. A high degree of uniformity exists behveen the basins from the ichnological point of view, although each one presents certain particular characteristics. The main bioerosive structures observed are the following: Entobia ichnospp.; borings of cheilostomata bryozoans of Spatipora and Terebripora types; Gastrochaenolites lapidicus and G. torpedo ; Meandropolydora ichnosp.; Centrichnus eccentricus ; Caulostrepsis taeniola and Caulostrepsis ichnosp.; Trypanites ichnosp.; Genatichnus pentax and bowl-shaped pits attibuted to regular echinoid activity. Apart from these bioerosive structures, the etching scars caused by cirripedes and epilithic bivalves are also common. The extensive presence of the Gastrochaenolites-Entobia ichnocenosis in Neogene rocky shores is emphasized.

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