
ABSTRACT Ten plant products were evaluated against Leucinodes orbonalis. They were: Azadirachta indica A. Juss. leaf extract @ 5.0 %, Calotropis gigantea. R. Br. leaf extract @ 5.0 %, Lantana camera Linn. leaf extract @ 5.0 %, neem cake extract @ 5.0 %, neem oil @ 2.0 %, Nimbecidine® @ 2 ml /lit, Pongamia glabra Linn. leaf extract @ 5.0 %, Prosopis juliflora Linn. leaf extract @ 5.0 %, Vitex negundo L. leaf extract @ 5.0%, and garlic (Allium sativum Linn.) extract @ 5.0 %. The standard check, carbaryl (Sevin 50 WP) @ 0.1% and an untreated check were included. The plant products, neem oil, Nimbecidine, neem cake extract and C. gigantea were able to reduce the shoot damage by more than 50 percent during Kharif; Consistent effect was observed only for neem oil (57.29 %) and Nimbecidine (52.67 %) in Rabi crop. The plant products were moderately effective compared to the standard check, carbaryl. The plant products were moderately effective against fruit damage too. Among the plant products, neem oil was the best treatment both in Kharif (60.20 %) and Rabi (59.91 %) followed by Nimbecidine (57.42 %). Neem cake extract (51.97%) and C. gigantea (51.34 %) were also quite effective in Kharif crop reducing fruit damage by more than 50 percent. Botanicals are moderate in their efficacy in reducing the fruit borer damage in brinjal.

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