
Bioefficacy and residues of chlorantraniliprole are reported in sugarcane under sub-tropical climatic conditions. Ferterra (chlorantraniliprole) was tested @ 15, 20, 25 and 30 kg ha−1 along with two other insecticides namely phorate and carbofuran @ 30 kg ha−1 each in a commercial sugarcane variety Co 0238. Cumulative per cent incidence of top borer with treatment of chlorantraniliprole @ 30 and 25kg ha−1 was significantly less (0.44 and 0.89% in 2014-15, 0.78 and 1.11% in 2015-16) as compared to the other treatments and both the doses were at par with each other. The net return after excluding insecticide and labour cost, in treatment of chlorantraniliprole @ 30 was the highest (Rs. 51,462/-) closely followed by 25 kg ha−1 (Rs. 49,909/-). It was the lowest in chlorantraniliprole 15 kg ha−1 (Rs. 15,769/-). The population of natural enemies viz. Apanteles flavipes, Isotima javensis and Stenobracon sp., with the application of chlorantraniliprole at different doses viz. 15, 20, 25 and 30 kg ha−1 was comparable to the control treatment. On the other hand, the use of phorate and carbofuran @ 30 kg ha−1 was found to be non-selective and harmful to the natural enemies. On the basis of results of top borer management and economics, chlorantraniliprole @ 25 kg ha−1 was found superior in sugarcane and also provided maximum cane and sugar yield along with the other physiological growth parameters. The chlorantraniliprole is a green chemistry molecule with potential for top borer management, and is safe to the prevailing natural enemies and the environment.

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