
The article describes the higher aquatic plants, their place in nature and importance in the national economy, as well as the bioecological features of the higher aquatic plants of the Syr Darya basin. For example, higher aquatic plants, especially those that grow submerged in water, act as a biological filter, while between aquatic and marsh plants there are species that have essential oils, glycosidic and antibiotic properties and can be used as raw materials for the preparation of medicines. Higher aquatic plants that grow submerged in water act as biological filters and enrich the water with dissolved oxygen. The flora of aquatic and wetland plants of the Syr Darya basin was studied, more than 230 samples of higher aquatic and wetland plants were collected and identified. Among them, the most numerous families are those belonging to: Poaceae, Cyperaceae, Typhaceae, Potomagetonaceae. Among them-aromatic sedge cane (Acoruscalamus L.), The bioecological features and significance of Salvinia floating (Salvinianatans), flowering rush (Butomusumbellatus) are described in detail.

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