
Ramsar site designation is an acknowledgment of a wetland’s importance. In this study, we conducted a biodiversity survey around Natuna to examine its eligibility as the next Ramsar site in Indonesia. This biodiversity survey was conducted through sampling for biological resources, using either transect, trapping, or visual observation. We surveyed 32 sampling stations for endangered and vulnerable fish, water birds, and wetland-dependent species. Samples were identified in meristic and morphometric form. We identified numerous endemic species and critically endangered, threatened, and vulnerable species. The most prominent native species are the endemic Presbytis natunae. Notable wood species are Eusideroxylon zwageri and Dipterocarpus sp., both critically endangered species. Sea grass species found in the coastal regions are Halodule pinifolia, Halophila ovalis, Enhalus acoroides, and Thalassia hemprichii. There are 52 species of fish found in the Natuna Sea, notably Bolbometopon muricatum, Oxymonacanthus longirostris, Plectropomus areolatus, and the endemic Cheilinus undulates. Numerous migrating birds and water birds are also found in the wetland and coastal region. The study concluded that Natuna fulfilled as a Ramsar site criteria based on its biodiversity characteristics and the support it provided to vulnerable species. We call for concentrated effort from the government for a successful nomination of Natuna as a Ramsar site..


  • IntroductionOil Natuna Island has unique bio geophysical characteristics

  • 1.1 Overview of Natuna’s bio geographical characteristicOil Natuna Island has unique bio geophysical characteristics

  • The eastern part of Natuna suits this description. These areas consist of wild swamps that serve as reservoirs and essential habitats to several endemic species

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Oil Natuna Island has unique bio geophysical characteristics. With the isolation of the vast expanse of seawater, the wetlands of Natuna Island tend to have unique biodiversity and high endemicity [1]. Biogeographic characteristics of Natuna allowed for the formation of heavy vegetation and rich biodiversity in a terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Isolated by a vast stretches of seawater, wetlands biodiversity in Natuna Island tend to have high endemicity, as well as high uniqueness of biological species. Natuna, in which this case, is represented by Bunguran Island, becomes a home for several endemic terrestrial and aquatic species [4]

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