
The study examines policies for managing biodiversity in Indonesia from 1990-2020. The study uses evaluation research, especially regulatory impact analysis (RIA), with a qualitative approach. The objects of this research are ten regulatory documents in the form of laws that have received stipulations and various relevant national government commitment actions. The analysis process uses the RIA technique, which includes analysis of strategic problems in biodiversity management and regulatory analysis through the comparison of policy content with issues of public interest, including climate change mitigation, welfare, empowerment, intergovernmental relations, and others. The results: 1) The issue of damage and reduction of biodiversity in Indonesia is high; 2) The government’s partiality through laws reflects limited focus and required actions, minimal regulation of responsibilities across sectors and between institutions (government and non-government), weak sanctions; 3) The law has not placed the community/stakeholders outside the government as subjects in biodiversity management, the government still dominates it. The study contributes to improving the quality of regulations. Public costs can be minimized in the context of policy revisions; on the content side of regulatory revisions, it can suppress lost resources, protect the environment from damage, and mitigate climate change.

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