
Invasion of natural ecosystems by exotic plant species is a major threat to biodiversity. Disturbance to native plant communities, whether natural or management induced, is a primary factor contributing to successful invasion by exotic plant species. Herbivory by both wild and domestic ungulates exerts considerable impact on structure and composition of native plant communities. Intensive herbivory by ungulates can enhance exotic plant invasion, establishment, and spread for three reasons: (1) many exotic plants are adapted to ground disturbances such as those caused by ungulate feeding, trampling, and movements; (2) many exotic plants are adapted for easy transport from one area to another by ungulates via endozoochory and epizoochory; (3) many exotic plants are not palatable or are of low palatability to ungulates, and consequently, their survival is favored as ungulates reduce or eliminate palatable, native plants. Ungulate herbivory is a chronic, landscape-scale disturbance capable of influencing plant communities as much as episodic events such as fire. Consequently, ungulate herbivory has the potential to facilitate the invasion and establishment of exotic plants in the interior Pacific Northwest where ungulates occupy nearly every ecosystem. Moreover, ungulate herbivory has intensified in many ecosystems, owing to the addition of domestic ungulates with that of existing, wild ungulates, coupled with the reduction or elimination of migratory movements and predators that previously regulated wild ungulate populations and influenced their distributions. Despite the observational evidence for ungulate herbivory as a strong facilitator of exotic plant invasion and establishment, current knowledge of cause–effect relations is severely limited by a lack of manipulative experiments. Most studies have been observational, unreplicated, and lack the experimental controls needed to eliminate or account for confounding sources of variation. Heightened attention to conservation of biodiversity will increase the importance of managing ungulates in balance with the plant communities that support them.

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