
Livanjsko field is one of the largest karst fields in the subtropical climate zone in the world. According to its geographical position, this field has a number of specific natural features, among which its biodiversity is especially significant, which arose in specific geological and hydro-morphological conditions in its northern, central and southern part. One of the special natural features of this area is the peat pedological substrate which was formed in the conditions of specific paleogeographic conditions that existed in the wider Mediterranean biogeographical region during the Neogene. However, over the last 50 years, various negative anthropogenic pressures have been registered that have a very negative impact on the overall natural heritage of this Ramsar site. The paper investigates the elements of the diversity of recent flora and field vegetation. Special emphasis in these researches was placed on the sequestration potentials of peat pedosubstrate formed in the northern and southern part of Livanjsko field.

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