
Following their exposure to anthracene, the roots of Populus nigra L. Loenen showed traces of 9 substances classed as products of biodegradation. The main substances detected were phthalic acid and 9,10-anthraquinone, followed by hydroxyanthracene and methoxyanthracene and five other compounds which could not be identified. Due to the relatively low concentration of degradation products found in the roots, further degradation to lower molecular compounds are discussed. The presence of 9,10-anthraquinone as the main product of the degradation of anthracene was also evident in the control tests with unplanted sandy substrate, although the content was higher in the planted series of tests. As a non-sterile approach was chosen, it may be assumed that a microbial degradation for 9,10-anthraquinone took place in the control series. However, it is difficult to differentiate clearly between a microbial degradation of anthracene in the substrate and metabolization in the roots due in part to the absence of specific degradation products in the various reaction areas.

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