
UNESCO Biosphere Reserves are protected areas aiming to reconcile conservation with human well-being. In 2021, there are 714 biosphere reserves worldwide located in a variety of biomes. However, in the temperate south of South America, between latitudes 45 and 60°S, there are only three biosphere reserves. Among them, the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve (CHBR, 55°S) in southernmost Chile implements a biocultural conservation approach. In contrast, in Europe, at latitudes 45–60°N, there are 70 biosphere reserves in different biophysical, cultural, and institutional-socio-political contexts. Our study compares approaches to biocultural education and conservation of the CHBR with three European biosphere reserves. We found exemplary conservation initiatives in biosphere reserves in Estonia, Germany, and Sweden, which have similarities with their southern equivalent. First, in all these reserves education approaches focus on under-perceived and under-valued biota, particularly small organisms. Second, research includes an important education component. Third, conservation actions take place giving consideration for cultural aspects. From our case studies, we derive three lessons: (1) holistic conservation can be achieved, even in the absence of great funding schemes, when approaches are simple, integrative, and locally centered; (2) countries highly committed to the biosphere reserve concept more widely implement local innovation for sustainable activities; and (3) similar biomes have similar conservation challenges. This highlights the necessity to establish partnerships among biosphere reserves located in similar biomes.

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