
Municipal solid waste (MSW) management is a pressing issue in developing nations across the globe. Organic fraction makes up a major fraction of the waste composition. Owing to its high organic matter, high abundance and low concentrations of pollutants, MSW is suitable for bioconversion. Old age-established concepts like composting and vermicomposting offer rearrangement and recycling of the organic components of waste through the cyclic pathways in the natural environment lowering the quantity of waste and upcycling it to value-added organic manure. Food production owing to the green revolution has proved to be unsustainable in the longer run. Sustainable agriculture embraces judicious ecosystem management and discourages the use of synthetic inputs. Fortified quality organic manures can be directed for sustainable agricultural practices achieving natural circularity, safe quality food production and upliftment of the physicochemical and biological quality of soil and crops. Engaging the other hidden half of nature- the human world of intents and thoughts, positive-divine thought-based bioelectromagnetic energy generated by meditation during the farming process- Sustainable Yogic Agriculture (SYA) has experimentally shown enhanced levels of agroecosystem health, microbial activity and crop production. The present work reviews the bioconversion of locally available organic waste to manures for nutrient management of agricultural soil and crop production and their quality enhancement by incorporating a transdisciplinary SYA approach. Nature has multidisciplinary intricate linkages and is highly receptive to human emotions. Transdisciplinary practical solutions can become potential solutions to realize the vision of a sustainable nation.

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