
The biocompatibility of leukocyte removal filters was evaluated in four different types of leukocyte filters made from different materials during bedside leukocyte filtration of red cell concentrates (RCC). Two units of banked RCC were filtrated through each leukocyte filter inserted into the transfusion line ( n = 20). The results indicate that there was no significant increase of granulocyte elastase nor the generation of the complement split product C3a during filtration of the first unit of RCC. However, activation of the complement system occurred during filtration of the second unit of RCC in particular by the filters made from cellulose acetate. There was no increase of either clotting or fibrinolytic activity during leukocyte filtration by all these leukocyte removal filters. Samples taken from patients revealed that no increase of these bioactive substances was found in patients who received the transfusion through leukocyte filters. Thus, the evaluated leukocyte removal filters do not compromise patients in terms of biocompatibility and are safe to be used during bedside filtration.

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