
Abstract— Wallerian degeneration of the optic nerves of the rat was induced by removal of the eyes. After 54, 66, 76 or 90 days of degeneration a myelin fraction of the nerves was obtained by the procedure of Laatschet al. (1962). The yield of myelin from the degenerated nerves was decreased, but the isolated myelin appeared to be morphologically normal. The proportion of cholesterol in the myelin lipids was slightly increased, whereas that of the ethanolamineglycerophosphatides was decreased and galactolipids were normal. After one‘cycle’of myelin purification, the high‐molecular‐weight fraction formed a much greater percentage of the total protein in myelin isolated from degenerated optic nerves. After 2–3‘cycles’of purification, the distribution of protein in myelin isolated from degenerated and normal optic nerves was similar, an observation suggesting that the high‐molecular‐weight fraction in‘1‐cycle myelin’from degenerated optic nerves may have been partly attributable to contamination. With the possible exception of ethanolamineglycerophosphatides, our data suggest that there was no preferential breakdown of myelin lipid constituents nor of protein constituents during Wallerian degeneration of rat optic nerve. As assessed by SDS‐gel electrophoresis of the water‐insoluble particulate fraction, the percentage of myelin protein was markedly decreased after 76 days of degeneration. However, the major myelin protein constituents in this fraction (the two basic proteins and proteolipid protein) appeared to decrease in the same relative proportions.

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