
Retting is an application of microbial degradation of pectic substances contained in pectocellulosic fibers and is closely related to plant tissue maceration by pectic enzymes, especially to those plant diseases called rot. 1-3) As microorganisms secreting pectic enzymes, the genera Bacillus, Clostridium, Erwinia, and others are well known. 4) Among them Erwinia has reported to be one of the strongest soft rot pathogens. The lants parasitized by Erwinia extend from annual and perennial vegetables, special crops, and petals to woody plants such as mulberry shoots. 5) Previous work6, 7) in this series has shown that retting with alkalophilic Bacillus sp. appreciably improved the pulping rate, but it had a limitation. In the present paper another investigation was made of retting of the inner bark of kozo or paper mulberry (Broussonetia kazinoki Sieb.) with E. carotovora to further accelerate pulping rate, considering that kozo in the mulberry family (Moraceae).

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