
Extract: This is a report of studies with gas-liquid chromatography of the fatty acids on the α- and β-carbons of surfae active and nonsurface active lecithins isolated from alveolar wash and from residual lung after wash in the developing rabbit fetus. The total fatty acids of lecithin show no clear tendency toward greater saturation with development. In alveolar wash, there was greater saturation of fatty acids (65%) compared with total lung (57%). Fatty acids separately determined on α- and β-carbons of lecithins showed significant developmental differences. Differnces in surface active acetone-precipitated lecithin and nonsurface active acetone-precipitated and acetone-soluble lecithin were in the β-carbon fatty acids. They were highly saturated (+70%) in surface active lecithin but only about 25% saturated in monsurface active lecithin. Concentration of acetone-precipitable lecithin in whole lung rises during fetal development to a peak (84%) with breathing. There was a marked increase in acetone-precipitable lecithin in alvcolar wash after 1 h of breathing (0.35 mg/g dry weight lung in nonbreathing full term to 9.8 mg/g), a 30-fold increase. During gestation, both α- and β-component palmitic acid (C16:0) rose abruptly after day 29 (α-45 to 67% and β-48 to 60%) when alveolar lecithin becomes surface active. The greatest increase in α- and β-palmetic acid followed the onset of breathing, and by day 2 of age, α-palmitic 85%, β-palmitic 62.5%. Thus, dipalmitoyl lecithin is the greatest single identifiable fraction of surface active lecithin isolated from rabbit alveolar wash. Acetone-soluble lecithins, even in the breathing animal, have only about 25% palmitic acid on the β-carbon. Early 29-day fetus, deliverd by cesarean section, synthesized de novo 100% of his surface active lecithin (CDP-choline +α –β-diglyceride pathway), predominantly α- and β-palmitic acid (69.7 and 61.2%, respectively). Phosphatidyl dimethylethanolamine (PDME), a surface active intermediate in the trimethylation of phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PE) to form lecithin, showed largely an α-palmitic/β-myristic acid (53/60%) distribution. Since the rate-limiting reaction is the first methyl group in PE, PDME represents the lecithin end product, another pulmonary surface active lecithin with α-palmitic/β-myristic acids. Speculation: Use of the β-carbon fatty acids as markers in studying the acetone-precipitated surface active fraction of lecithin isolated from alveolar wash will permit an assessment of the contributin of each of the two major pathways in the biosynthesis of surface active lecithin.

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