
Aim. The aim of the work was to investigate of particularities of biochemical composition of seed and plant vegetative mass of different soybean varieties at the action of viral infection and agroclimatic conditions. Меthods. Standard and adapted methods of biochemical analysis were used for laboratory research. Isolation of glycinin and β-conglycinin was carried out using method developed in the laboratory (Pat #42181). Results. It was established that infection by Soybean mosaic virus (SKP-16 and SGP-17 isolates) causes changes in the biochemical characteristics (content of protein, main storage protein fractions (glycinin and β-conglycinin), fat, carbohydrates, isoflavones, activity of lectin, lipoxygenase, trypsin inhibitor) in the infected seeds that depend on the soybean variety, the infection degree of the plants and the conditions of cultivation. The determination of the relative moisture content, proline content, and lectin activity in the leaves of the 2 upper layers of soybean plants, which differed on the level of drought-tolerance in the phases of flowering, bob formation and filling of beans showed that contents of all studied biochemical characteristics significantly increased in the drought-tolerant soybean varieties as compared with not drought-tolerant ones in the phase of filling of beans. Conclusions. The obtained results can be used for development of the methods of soybean varieties selection with high seed quality and complex resistance (to the cultivation conditions and viral infection) and will be recommended for implementation in breeding and agricultural practices.Keywords: soybean, plant breeding, SМV, drought, biochemical characteristics.

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