
Major tailings dam failures have occurred recently around the world and resulted in severe environmental impacts, such as metal contamination. Manganese is a metal highly associated with mining activities, largely detected in mining dam collapses. This metal is considered necessary for different organisms, but it can be toxic and cause oxidative stress and genetic damage in fishes. In this study, we investigated the toxic effects of manganese on Astyanax lacustris, by exposing the fish individually to different concentrations of this metal (2.11, 5.00, and 10.43 mg/L) for 96 h. To assess the effects of manganese, we used biochemical biomarkers (glutathione S-transferase, catalase, and acetylcholinesterase enzyme activity) and the manganese bioaccumulation in different tissues (liver and gills). The obtained data showed that only at concentrations of 5.00 mg/L and 10.43 mg/L the activity of glutathione S-transferase differed significantly. Additionally, the acetylcholinesterase activity in the brain tissue was inhibited. The highest level of manganese bioaccumulation was observed in the liver and branchial tissue. Overall, we concluded that high concentrations of manganese may cause physiological changes in Astyanax lacustris.

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