
This study aims to study the biochemical and morphological parameters of the blood of cows with subclinical mastitis. Experimental studies were conducted at Selyana LLC (Kuzbassky village, Kemerovo district, Kemerovo region) in 2021–2022. For this experiment, 12 cows were selected. Animals were divided into experimental (sick) and control (healthy) - 6 goals in each group. Animals were chosen according to the pair-analogues method, considering their live weight, breed, age at calving, milk yield, fat milk content, and physiological state. Body temperature was measured with a mercury thermometer with a scale graduated in Celsius from 34 to 42 ºС. The measurements were carried out for 5 min. The pulse rate was determined on the external maxillary artery for a minute. The number of exhalations calculated the frequency of respiratory movements. The same feeding and maintenance were organised for two groups of animals, i.e., they were in their usual conditions. In animals, after diagnostic tests for mastitis, blood was taken to study biochemical and morphological parameters. In sick animals, hyperproteinemia (87.43±0.82 g/l), low calcium content (87.43±0.82 g/l), and an increase in the level of phosphatase (156.15±0.50 U/l) were noted. In cows with mastitis, the number of leukocytes increased to 14.06 ± 2.29 × 1012/l. The average haemoglobin concentration in the erythrocyte was 27.77±0.43 in the control group and 27.87±0.21 g/dl in the experimental group. When studying the leukogram, the number of monocytes in the control group was 2.23±1.51, and in the group of animals with mastitis - 3.47±1.71%.

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