
This work presents the results of the investigation of the physiological state of the roach Rutilus rutilus heckelii breeders from the Sea of Azov stock during the spawning period. It has been established that, in the spring season of 2020 and 2021, the content of proteins and lipids in fish tissues, as well as hematological parameters in all investigated roach specimens from different water bodies were consistent with the average long-term values. The content of proteins in the muscles and liver of roach does not differ by sex. A higher protein content in the gonads of females is characteristic of the pre-spawning period due to the process of gonad maturation. The high content of lipids in the gonads of males apparently results from the lower energy consumption for maturation of the gonads and spawning. The average concentration of sodium and potassium ions decreased in comparison with the values obtained in 2020, while the concentration of chloride anions increased. It has been concluded that the physiological state of all investigated roach specimens was normal.

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