
Previous studies had indicated that recombinant and natural human sickle hemoglobin had similar chemical properties (Martin de Llano, J. J., Schneewind, O., Stetler, G., and Manning, J. M. (1993) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 90, 918-922). In the present study, additional biochemical and physiological characterization of some primary through quaternary structural features of recombinant sickle hemoglobin are described. The molecular weight of the purified recombinant sickle hemoglobin was identical to natural sickle hemoglobin as determined by mass spectrometry, thus excluding extensive post-translational modification in the yeast system. Carboxypeptidases A and B together catalyzed the release of COOH-terminal amino acids at the same rate for recombinant and natural hemoglobin S, consistent with identity in their primary and secondary structures in this region of the molecule. The tryptic peptide maps of natural and recombinant hemoglobins were practically indistinguishable, indicating the same internal protein sequences for recombinant and natural hemoglobins. As a probe of the secondary structure of recombinant sickle Hb, the reactivity of the SH group of Cys-93(beta) was investigated for the glutathione sickle hemoglobin adduct, which has significant anti-gelling and anti-sickling properties. The position of glutathione at Cys-93(beta) was established by direct mass spectrometric analysis of enzyme digests; reduction of this derivative to the unmodified chains was also observed by mass spectrometry and by isoelectric focusing. The oxygen equilibrium curves of recombinant and natural sickle hemoglobin at high protein concentration were superimposable with identical Hill coefficients of 3.3. The response of recombinant sickle hemoglobin to chloride with respect to a lowered oxygen affinity was identical to that of natural sickle hemoglobin. The gelation properties of recombinant and natural sickle hemoglobins were identical at the high hemoglobin concentrations that occur in the red cell. Therefore, the yeast expression system synthesizes a completely functional recombinant sickle hemoglobin with the same biochemical and physiological properties as natural sickle hemoglobin with respect to features characteristic of its primary through quaternary structures.

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