
The scope of this study, is 1-butanol production from CO2 with S. elongatus PCC 7942 culture. The yields of 1-butanolproduced/CO2utilized have been calculated. The maximum concentration of produced 1- butanol is 35.37 mg/L and 1-butanolproduced/CO2utilized efficiency is 92.4. The optimum operational conditions were 30°C temperature, 60 W intensity of light, pH= 7.1, 120 mV redox potential, 0.083 m3/sn flow rate with CO2 and 0.5 mg/l dissolved O2 concentration. Among the enzymes on the metabolic trail of the production of 1-butanol via using S. elongatus PCC 7942 cyanobacteria. At maximum yield; the measured concentrations are 0.016 µg/ml for hbd; 0.0022 µg/ml for Ter and 0.0048 µg/ml for AdhE2. The cost analyses necessary for 1-butanol production has been done and the cost of 1 litre 1-butanol has been determined as maximum 1.31 TL/L.

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