
Entikong located in Sanggau regency is one of the areas directly adjacent to the state of Malaysia (Sarawak) and is the first and oldest cross-border entrance in Indonesia. The overlapping of unclear land use, causing the development of border areas seem unplanned with the implications of degradation of natural resources and environmental quality, and not achieving improved community welfare, dehumanization process, and deculturization, as well as macro leads to regional disintegration. The high population growth in this area resulted in the increasing use of natural resources without regard to the environmental balance either from supply or demand from human activities, one indication of this is seen from the change in land use is not appropriate. The purpose of this study identifies the extent and type of land use change and analyzes biocapacity as part of the bioecological carrying capacity. The results of this study indicate that the massive increase in area comes from the use of mixed plantation land in 2017 increased by 60.6% of the Entikong area and the degradation of the primary forest variables is only 18.6% of the Entikong area by 2017. This indicates that the protected forests are experiencing degaradation of land use change towards mixed gardens where in this mixed plantation there are oil palm, rubber and pepper. While the highest percentage of biocapacity in a mixed plantation land type of 2.585 Ha/capita. This is not proportional to the biocapacity of primary forest land of 1.03 Ha/capita. Surely this indicates that the condition of imbalance of the bioecological carrying capacity. Supply from the forest is unable to absorb waste material from plantation land use. These results indicate that proper optimization and revitalization of land use is required by applying various development-related policies in the Entikong border region. In addition, it is necessary to supervise and control both from the elements of society, private, and government.

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