
When central vision is compromised, visually-guided behaviour becomes dependent on peripheral retina, often at a preferred retinal locus (PRL). Previous studies have examined adaptation to central vision loss with monocular 2D paradigms, whereas in real tasks, patients make binocular eye movements to targets of various sizes and depth in 3D environments. We therefore examined monocular and binocular contrast sensitivity functions with a 26-AFC (alternate forced choice) band-pass filtered letter identification task at 2° or 6° eccentricity in observers with simulated central vision loss. Binocular stimuli were presented in corresponding or non-corresponding stereoscopic retinal locations. Gaze-contingent scotomas (0.5° radius disks of pink noise) were simulated independently in each eye with a 1000 Hz eye tracker and 120 Hz dichoptic shutter glasses. Contrast sensitivity was higher for binocular than monocular conditions, but only exceeded probability summation at low-mid spatial frequencies in corresponding retinal locations. At high spatial frequencies or non-corresponding retinal locations, binocular contrast sensitivity showed evidence of interocular suppression. These results suggest that binocular vision deficits may be underestimated by monocular vision tests and identify a method that can be used to select a PRL based on binocular contrast summation.

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