
This article is part of the Focus Theme of METHODS of Information in Medicine on "Managing Interoperability and Complexity in Health Systems". The proliferation of archetypes as a means to represent information of Electronic Health Records has raised the need of binding terminological codes - such as SNOMED CT codes - to their elements, in order to identify them univocally. However, the large size of the terminologies makes it difficult to perform this task manually. To establish a baseline of results for the aforementioned problem by using off-the-shelf string comparison-based techniques against which results from more complex techniques could be evaluated. Nine Typed Comparison METHODS were evaluated for binding using a set of 487 archetype elements. Their recall was calculated and Friedman and Nemenyi tests were applied in order to assess whether any of the methods outperformed the others. Using the qGrams method along with the 'Text' information piece of archetype elements outperforms the other methods if a level of confidence of 90% is considered. A recall of 25.26% is obtained if just one SNOMED CT term is retrieved for each archetype element. This recall rises to 50.51% and 75.56% if 10 and 100 elements are retrieved respectively, that being a reduction of more than 99.99% on the SNOMED CT code set. The baseline has been established following the above-mentioned results. Moreover, it has been observed that although string comparison-based methods do not outperform more sophisticated techniques, they still can be an alternative for providing a reduced set of candidate terms for each archetype element from which the ultimate term can be chosen later in the more-than-likely manual supervision task.

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