
In our first study we found binding sites for ANP on human platelets. Binding studies on these easily accessible cells could be a useful model to investigate receptor-status in patients with elevated ANP plasma levels. We reported high ANP levels in neonates and in patients with heartfailure. Therefore we studied the number of binding sites on platelets in venous umbilical blood of term infants (n = 10), in adults (n = 15) with heartfailure and in controlsubjects (n = 18). For the binding studies 40 × 106 platelets were incubated with 10.000 cpm 125J-ANP and increasing concentrations of unlabeled ANP. Time of incubation was 120' at room temperature. Separation of bound and free tracer was performed by filtration through Whatman CF/G filters. In neonates we found 18-32 and in patients with heart failure 8-30 binding sites/platelet. In comparsion with control subjects (15-30 binding sites/platelet) there was only in patients with heartfailure a trend for reduction of binding sites (p < 0.1). The Kd (14 ± 8 pM) was similiar in all subjects studied. In our results there was no convincing evidence of “receptor down regulation” in the presence of high ANP levels as described in in-vitro experiments.

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