
The intensely sweet proteins thaumatin and monellin were covalently attached to affinity column supports, Lingual tissue extracts were incubated with the affinity columns which were then eluted with glycine-HCl pH 3.4, the sweet peptide aspartame, or gymnemic acid, which is a sweet taste modifier. SDS-PAGE analysis of eluates from the columns showed that 156 kDa and 47 kDa proteins were the main components from cow fungiform papillae which were specifically bound to thaumatin and monellin. These proteins could be displaced from the column with 0.5 mM aspartame or 0.5 mg/ml gymnemic acid. With circumvallate papillae small amounts of 47 kDa protein were also found. The 47 kDa protein was also the major component bound to a gymnemic acid affinity column and could be displaced from the column with 0.5 mg/ml gymnemic acid. Control experiments with other lingual tissue components indicated that these proteins are localised in the gustatory papillae. Similar protein patterns were also found in extracts of pig fungiform papillae and rat lingual preparations.

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