
BCL11A is a major regulator of fetal hemoglobin production. Reduced levels of BCL11A have been shown to delay switching from fetal to adult hemoglobin, suggesting that it acts as a stage-specific repressor of γ globin expression. We have carried out a survey of BCL11A binding in the globin, BCL11A and GATA1 loci by ChIP-on-chip analysis in primary human erythroid cells. We found strong occupancy in both α and β globin upstream regulatory regions as well as in regions involved in switching and hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin. Genetic studies have identified a restricted 14 kb region in BCL11A intron 2 as being highly associated with HbF levels. Strong GATA-1 binding and acetylated histone H3 was found in this area, which could be indicative of a regulatory element, changes in which might be responsible for the overall regulation of BCL11A. We also observed BCL11A and GATA-1 binding in a known auto-regulatory promoter element of the GATA1 locus.

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