
We have compared the affinities for T3 and the T3 analog binding characteristics of the in vitro translational products of seven c-erbA cDNAs (chicken c-erbA alpha; human placental c-erbA beta; rat c-erbA beta-1; rat c-erbA alpha-1; rat c-erbA alpha-2; human testis c-erbA alpha-2; and human kidney c-erbA alpha-2). Four of these (chicken c-erbA alpha, human placental c-erbA beta, rat c-erbA beta-1, rat c-erbA alpha-1) bound T3 with high affinity as previously described. When compared under identical conditions of synthesis and [125I]T3 binding, there was no significant difference between the affinity of the chicken c-erb A alpha-1 and the human c-erbA beta but in a more limited series the affinity of rat c-erbA beta-1 for T3 was 4.6-fold higher than that of the rat c-erbA alpha-1. In vitro translational products of the beta-probes showed a characteristic 2.2-fold higher triiodothyroacetic acid/T3 ratio than did the products of the alpha-probes, regardless of the species of origin of the probe. As previously established, the rat c-erbA alpha-2 product did not bind T3. However, in contrast to two published reports, the human testis and kidney alpha-2 probe products also failed to bind T3. These findings indicate that highly conserved C-terminal 37-40 residues are important for high affinity T3 binding by proteins encoded by the c-erb A family of genes.

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