
Publisher Summary This chapter explains binding-energy calculation of triton with realistic potentials. In the past, several binding-energy calculations were done in the group theoretical formalism with the states of triton and alpha particle obtained according to Englefield Selection rules and reasonably good binding was obtained in each case. In all these calculations, generally attractive forces of central and tensor components were applied. However, it is known that nucleon–nucleon scattering data demands the inclusion of repulsive core at small distances of order 0.4–0.5 fm. Among the several methods through which this effect can be incorporated in this type of calculation, one method is to use soft core nucleon–nucleon interaction. This chapter discusses calculation of binding energy of triton with the Englefield states with a series of potentials mostly soft core potentials. The chapter also discusses the Englefield selection rule by which states that contribute significantly to the binding energy may be found out. According to this selection rule, all those states and their higher configuration mixing will contribute most to the binding energy, which will give nonzero matrix element with the lowest configuration, namely |(0S)a (OS)b>, of the ground state of triton.

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