
This work armtovalorizethesawdustofmahogany wood and the pearlsbone glue for environmental purposes.First, sawdust was sifted with three sieves respectively 0.8 1.6 and 2.5mm diameter. So, we have four granulometries (g) g ≤ 0.8 (G1), 0.8 < g ≤ 1.6 (G2), 1.6 < g ≤ 2.5 (G3), 2.5 < g ≤ 5 (G4) and the raw sawdust. particleboards are manufactured from sawdust by varyingsuchthebinder rate (5 6.5 7 7.5 8 10 12.5 and 15) and the granulometry. Second,physical properties such asthe density, thickness swelling (TS) Water absorption (WA) were searched. The mechanical properties (Modulus of Elasticity (MOE), the Modulus of Rupture (MOR) in flexion, and Internal Bond (IB)) are determined according to the standard ANSI A208.1 – 2016[1]. The threshold fixed by the standard fortheMOE andtheMORarewidelyreached.Themanufactured particleboards are classified in the categoriesofmeandensity and can only be used in dry conditions.

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