
A series of six experiments used the method of magnitude estimation to assess how the two ears sum the loudness of stimuli with various spectra. The results showed that the binaural system sums loudnesses by at least two distinct sets of rules, one applicable to narrow-band stimuli (complete loudness summation), another to wide-band noises (partial summation, dependent on level). The main findings were: (1) Narrow-band noise (Vi-octave bands at 1,000 Hz) showed complete binaural loudness summation, like that previously reported for pure tones (Marks, 1978a). At all but low SPL, a monaural stimulus must be 10 dB greater than a binaural stimulus to be equally loud; a stimulus ratio of 10 dB corresponds to a loudness ratio of 2:1 on Stevens’ sone scale. (2) Wide-band noise (300-4,800 Hz) showed only partial summation, the subadditivity being confined largely to levels below about 60 dB SPL. This result obtained both with bands of white noise (flat spectrum) and pink noise (—3 dB/ octave). (3) Binaural summation of two-tone complexes depended slightly on frequency spacing. Narrow spacing (860 and 1,160 Hz) gave summation equal to about 10 dB, like that of narrowband noises and single tones, whereas wider spacing (675 and 1,475 Hz) gave less summation, equal to about 9 dB, and more like wide-band noise; however, a very wide spacing (300 and 4,800 Hz) gave summation like that of narrow-band noises and single pure tones.

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