
Binaural beat stimulation may offer new possibilities for cognitive enhancement. Some research has already indicated a role for binaural beats in altering mood states and reducing anxiety-related symptoms. However, studies using similar approaches have reported often contradictory effects of this stimulation technique. This may in part be due to the wide range of stimulation protocols with varying frequencies and stimulation durations that have been implemented. We consider how the variation between different protocols may affect the outcomes of binaural beat stimulation, and whether this may have an impact upon the efficacy of the stimulation itself, and possibly give rise to the often contradictory effects observed. Mostly research applying auditory beat stimulation has focused on binaural beats, and so in this chapter we focus on the potential impact of binaural beat stimulation (and less on monaural beat stimulation), and aim to highlight relevant issues concerning stimulation protocols. Further research on binaural beat stimulation may offer the possibility of developing an easy-to-apply, reversible and noninvasive tool for therapeutic targets, and for use within a clinical setting.

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