
This research focuses on the effects of binaural beat entrainment to delta and theta brainwaves. This paper presents the results that were collected from an experiment performed on 33 subjects. The EEG signals recorded from the experiment are based on two stages, specifically when the subjects are doing nothing (before binaural beat) and after binaural beats entrainment. Theta wave relates with deep relaxation, day-dreaming and memory. Meanwhile Delta wave associates with deep sleep. Stress is a challenging condition that commonly happens in human life. There are various ways to cope with stress and one of them is to spend time for relaxation. Besides that, binaural beat can be used as a substitute for meditation to alleviate the stress. Binaural beat is the rhythmic stimulus which is generated to produce the desired audio frequency with the intention to make brainwave to follow that frequency. In the end of our research, the result shows that Theta brainwave increases after listening to binaural beat. Although the Delta brainwave is not really affected in this experiment, there is still an increment of delta brainwave after listening to binaural beat. The result shows that binaural beat affected on delta and theta brainwaves.

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