
view Abstract Citations (36) References (18) Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS Binary-Binary Interactions and the Formation of the PSR B1620-26 Triple System in M4 Rasio, Frederic A. ; McMillan, Steve ; Hut, Piet Abstract The hierarchical triple system containing the millisecond pulsar PSR B1620-26 in M4 is the first triple star system ever detected in a globular cluster. Such systems should form in globular clusters as a result of dynamical interactions between binaries. We propose that the triple system containing PSR B1620-26 formed through an exchange interaction between a wide primordial binary and a {\it pre-existing\/} binary millisecond pulsar. This scenario would have the advantage of reconciling the $\sim10^9\,$yr timing age of the pulsar with the much shorter lifetime of the triple system in the core of M4. Publication: The Astrophysical Journal Pub Date: January 1995 DOI: 10.1086/187708 arXiv: arXiv:astro-ph/9409056 Bibcode: 1995ApJ...438L..33R Keywords: Astronomical Models; Binary Stars; Globular Clusters; Mathematical Models; Pulsars; Triple Stars; Celestial Mechanics; Eccentric Orbits; Orbit Perturbation; Orbital Mechanics; Stellar Evolution; Velocity Distribution; Astrophysics; Astrophysics E-Print: 13 pages, uuencoded compressed postscript with figures, IASSNS-AST 94/47 full text sources arXiv | ADS | data products SIMBAD (2)

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